Discover how our technical advisory team will help you choose the right technological solutions to meet the demands of tenants, end users and authorities.
Do you know the future costs of your building? Reliable lifecycle management provides visibility for the entire lifecycle of a building.
Are your cooling systems both sustainable and efficient? See how Caverion’s reliable cooling systems reduce costs and emissions – also in data centres.
Learn how you can improve the value of your property by installing the latest building technology in your renovation or modernisation.
How sustainable are your heating and sanitation systems? See how renewable energy or district heating combined with efficient water management saves energy.
90% of BMS alarms don’t require on-site visits. See how our data-driven remote services save money by remotely monitoring and maintaining your property.
See how our experts tackle the unique challenges of marine electrical installations and electrical maintenance and create safe, highly operational ships.
Qualified Project Management is a prerequisite for a successful building project or modernisation. See how combining it with project execution lowers costs by 30%.