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Environment   Our footprint We have detailed targets and plans to reduce our emissions and our carbon footprint. At the same time, we work with our suppliers and customers to reduce emissions throughout our value chain. Scope 1: Vehicle fleet Our transition plan to decrease GHG emissions is based on the action plan approved in 2023. For Scope 1, we focus on the electrification of business vehicles and service vehicles. In addition, we plan to purchase low-emission renewable diesel for the remaining diesel-powered service vehicles. By optimising the existing number of about 4,300 service vans and 1,600 passenger cars, increasing our remote services, optimising routes and more economical way of driving, it is possible to achieve significant financial and environmental savings. In 2023, Scope 1 emissions were 0.6% of our total emissions. Service cars accounted for 19,177 tCO₂ (i.e., 97% of Scope 1 emissions). In 2023, we continued to electrify our vehicle fleet in all our operating countries. Particularly good development was achieved in the electrification of business vehicles. By 2025, our aim is that more than half of our service van fleet is electric. Scope 2: Facilities In our transition plan, the reduction of GHG emissions in facilities (Scope 2) is based on switching to carbon dioxide-free electricity and district heating in all rented premises and buildings where it is possible. In addition, we constantly strive to optimise the number of properties, improve the energy efficiency and utilisation rate of facilities, and increase the amount of on-site energy production, if it is the most reasonable option. Our operations are not energy intensive. In 2023, Scope 2 emissions derived mainly from our leased office buildings, amounting to 13,291 tCO₂ or 0.4% of our total emissions. In 2023, the most significant GHG emission reduction action in all divisions was switching to carbon dioxide-free electricity (including renewable energy sources and nuclear power). Scope 3 In 2023, we completed our Scope 3 GHG emission inventory calculations. The vast majority, i.e. 99% (3,215,683 tCO₂) of our total emissions are based on our indirect emissions in the value chain. The main GHG emission categories are: category 1: purchased Goods and Services (in total 12.6% of our total emissions, i.e., 408,847 tCO₂) and category 11: use of Sold Products (in total 85.2% of our total emissions, i.e., 2,766,414 tCO₂). Additional Scope 3 GHG emissions categories relevant to our business are category 3: fuel and energy related activities (0.1% of our total emissions), category 4: upstream transportation and distribution (0.1%), category 5: waste generated in operations (0.0%), category 6: business travel (0.3%), category 7: employee commuting (0.7%), and category 12: end-of-life treatment of sold products (0.1%). These categories, which consist of numerous different business activities, account for 1.2% of Caverion's total emissions. Consequently, our transition plan has only been created for our main categories 1 and 11, which we believe is where we have the greatest opportunity to reduce our Scope 3 emissions. Total greenhouse gas emissions in 2023:    Our handprint As sustainability needs are growing rapidly, we are well positioned to help provide a sustainable and digital future for our customers and the whole society. We offer expert guidance throughout the entire lifecycle of buildings, infrastructure and industrial sites and processes. Our focus is on delivering long-lasting benefits by bringing together people, technology, and data. Our growth in sustainable smart solutions is supported by the joint need to fight climate change and the other megatrends, such as the increasing digitalisation and urbanisation. We are continuously improving and expanding our smart technology and digital solution offering to increase customer value and our carbon handprint. We target a positive carbon handprint five times greater than our carbon footprint (Scope 1-2) by 2025 and 10 times greater by 2030.    With our focus on lifecycle management and smart and sustainable solutions and services, Caverion helps customers achieve substantial energy savings and thus mitigate climate change .  An environmentally compliant supply chain and partners are essential for Caverion.  In 2023, 92% of Caverion’s business was ISO 14001 environmentally certified . ISO 14001 certified business Environmental risks Caverion’s own operations are not extensively energy intensive and therefore risks related to growing energy consumption are moderate. Waste generated and chemicals used in Caverion’s operations are recycled and disposed according to regulatory requirements. For most part, the environmental impact of Caverion’s operations relates to local noise or dust. Caverion continuously follows legislation changes on environment in the EU area and in the other operating countries . Caverion is starting a more in-depth analysis on its impacts on global biodiversity.  Sustainable and smart offering As sustainability needs are growing rapidly, Caverion is well positioned to enable a sustainable, environmentally friendly, and digital future for our customers and the whole society.  The focus is on delivering long-lasting benefits by combining people, technology and data. Caverion' possesses expert guidance throughout the entire lifecycle of buildings, infrastructure and industrial sites and processes. Caverion's holds expert guidance throughout the entire lifecycle of buildings, infrastructure and industrial sites and processes. Examples of our smart and sustainable offering: Our people   Business ethics Supply chain Health & Safety Read more

Supply chain

Supply chain

Supply chain Suppliers play a significant role in our value chain, as most of the technical systems and solutions designed and installed by us include components, materials or services purchased from suppliers. In order to guarantee the sustainable value chain, we constantly strive to develop our supply operations, improve our supply chain’s ESG risk management, and increase the coverage of Supplier Code of Conduct. Supplier operations in 2023 We have several common suppliers serving the demand throughout our operating countries, but a major part of purchasing is done locally in our operating countries using selected suppliers. We value the close location of our suppliers and their ability to react rapidly to changing business needs. We aim to build long-term relationships with our suppliers. We treat all our suppliers equally and honestly following applicable laws and regulations. We do not tolerate any form of bribery or other illegal payments in the relationships with our suppliers. We regularly evaluate our suppliers, follow their performance, and assess potential ESG risks. Supplier Code of Conduct In 2023, 80% (2022: 74%) of our purchase volume was covered by the Supplier Code of Conduct. In addition, some supplier relationships are governed by the supplier’s own Code of Conduct that meets our requirements and is approved by us separately.  According to the Supplier Code of Conduct, suppliers, subcontractors and other business partners shall: Respect human rights arising out of international treaties, in particular the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights Comply with fundamental conventions as defined by the International Labour Organisation Ascertain that its own suppliers comply with requirements that meet or exceed the requirements laid down in Caverion’s Supplier Code of Conduct Read more

Ethical operating culture

Ethical operating culture

Ethical operating culture Caverion applies high quality standards and 100% of Caverion business is ISO 9001 quality certified. As a stock listed company, it is our duty to be a profitable investment for our owners through sustainable operations. Digital responsibility We are committed to continuously developing our information security management to ensure faultless operation of our businesses. We receive a lot of information from customers while providing services, which underlines the importance of the correct management of data. With the implementation of information security and data protection policies, we can accomplish proper data processing objectives. Our company has been awarded an ISO/IEC 27001 information security certificate for its common IT services, indicating that Caverion wants to invest in information security and data protection management. To ensure the correct handling of all data, we have prepared an annual information security and privacy training session which is mandatory for all employees. In 2023, 97% of our employees completed eLearning training on the topic. Protecting personal data The aim of our data protection is to ensure that the processing of personal data does not endanger the rights and freedom of the individual. This is an essential part of our operations, as defined in our data protection policy. We have taken significant measures to ensure that the personal data of our employees and stakeholders is processed in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).   Anti-corruption and bribery Our zero-tolerance approach to corruption and bribery is an important part of the Code of Conduct . We have several standard control processes aimed at preventing corruption and bribery. These processes are part of both the sales and the delivery phases. The included checks and controls can be for example, monitoring, the use of ethical reporting channels, reviews, due diligence measures, and approvals. The processes are performed in tender preparation and procurement activities as well as in the delivery and execution of our services and projects. The following principles guide Caverion’s relationship with its suppliers, subcontractors, and other business partners: Caverion does not tolerate any forms of bribery or other illegal payments in the relationships with its suppliers, subcontractors, and other business partners. Caverion does everything in its power to prevent bribery, corruption, and white-collar crimes. Caverion supports open and fair competition in all its markets. Caverion complies with the applicable competition legislation in every activity and avoids situations where there is a risk that competition regulations could be breached. Caverion monitors its anti-bribery policies by investigating all reports made through its anonymous whistle-blowing channels. Compliance Our Compliance Program includes clear milestones in order to ensure that all of our businesses are conducted legally, ethically and in a compliant manner. We also have a Group-level Compliance unit headed by the Compliance Officer. The role of the compliance network is to enhance a culture of integrity and responsibility and to build leadership capabilities by rolling out the Caverion Compliance Program to local teams and their operations. How to raise concern as Caverion's stakeholder? Read more

Wellbeing and safety at work

Wellbeing and safety at work

Wellbeing and safety at work We at Caverion care about the safety , health and wellbeing of our people. We focus on preventive safety work and wellbeing along with continuously developing our work processes. We value a diverse work community and want to ensure equal opportunities for everyone. Safety work is our number one priority We are among the highest performers in our field in terms of safety work. However, we are not yet satisfied with where we are today. Therefore, we challenge all Caverion employees to carry their own responsibility for work safety every day. Occupational safety orientation and training is a part of the work of all employees at Caverion. We care for our peoples’ safety through proactive safety work; we regularly conduct personal risk assessment, review and learn from incidents, discuss safety matters and conduct safety auditing. Together with employees and customers, we create a safe work environment. Focus on wellbeing Wellbeing at work is an objective shared by the entire work community: we all can have a positive influence on wellbeing at work as part of our daily actions. At Caverion we encourage our employees to take care of their wellbeing both at and outside of work. The Caverion Map of Wellbeing supports this effort. In addition to risks related to accidents, we consider health risks and work in close cooperation with occupational healthcare. We support work ability, coping with workload and returning to work through different individual initiatives. Focus on wellbeing Our people Environment Business ethics Supply chain   Read more

Our people are key to our success

Our people are key to our success

Our people are key to our success We work together with our approximately 15,000 service and project professionals to make Caverion a success. Our people work according to our purpose – enabling performance and people’s wellbeing in smart and sustainable built environments . In 2023, we continued to build our capabilities in becoming a leading service company and selective master of projects as well as being a forerunner especially in digital solutions and smart technologies. To achieve these ambitious business targets, we want to become the most attractive employer in our industry both for our current employees as well as our potential future employees. Our customers appreciate Caverion’s service mindset, as well as our ability to respond quickly and solve the challenges of our customers in an efficient way .  To make sure this happens, we have introduced key principles in terms of people management as well as guidance on safety, reward, leadership and many other important people practices.  All of Caverion’s activities are compliant and guided by ethical principles. Personnel at year end Developing the best workplace The personnel’s rights and responsibilities include the right to a safe and healthy working environment, wellbeing as well as the prohibition of any kind of discrimination. We value a diverse workforce and want to enable the same opportunities for all. At Caverion we believe that personal health and wellbeing are fundamental for a balanced life in and outside of work. This includes providing high standards of safety and engaging with employees to enable a flexible, supportive working environment in which all can thrive. We have a strong focus on continuous improvement - also in terms of our safety performance.   Building Performance culture We provide our people a safe and sustainable workplace with diversity, equity, and inclusion, supported by training and processes. Social sustainability and people aspects are at the heart of Caverion. One of our targets defined in our Sustainable Growth strategy is to be the most attractive employer in the industry. We empower our Building Performance culture through our values: we deliver what we promise, we do it together, and we explore and improve. Developing competencies We provide continuous training and development opportunities to strengthen our business capabilities and enable our employees’ professional growth. The professional, technical and safety trainings are important in supporting our business and they form the majority of our training offering. In 2023, the competence development efforts focused especially on safety, service performance management, project management, technical skills and sales capabilities. Respecting human rights Our strong commitment to ethical business practices forms the basis for responsible business conduct. In accordance with our Code of Conduct, we encourage an open and collaborative atmosphere at work. A zero-tolerance approach is applied to discrimination, harassment or any unlawful act. We support and respect the internationally proclaimed and safeguarded human rights including the following: We support equal opportunities for our employees and in our recruitment practices. Our employees have the freedom of association, including the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of their interests and the right to conduct collective bargaining. In accordance with our Code of Conduct, we are a responsible and fair employer and do not permit any kind of discrimination related to age, gender, nationality, social status, religion, physical or mental disability, political or other opinions, sexual orientation or any other factor. We do not permit child labour or any form of forced or compulsory labour or human trafficking/modern slavery We do not permit any kind of harassment or bullying at the workplace. We care about creating an inclusive work environment for all. Therefore, our Code of Conduct also provides active guidance towards improved equity and promotes gender equality and diversity in all aspects, as described above. Aspects related to human rights are included in the company-wide Code of Conduct eLearning. In 2023, the eLearning was rolled out to all employees with a completion rate 97%. Diversity, equity and inclusion We respect people as individuals, embrace difference and foster inclusion. Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) are high priorities for us and therefore the work to enhance these topics is an integral part of our target to create a Building Performance culture and to become the most attractive employer in our industry. To us, diversity and inclusiveness are critical elements in creating value for our customers, business partners, employees, and shareholders. We believe that through a diverse and inclusive work environment we will be able to be an attractive employer and to further enhance our performance. It is important for us that all our employees feel included and valued. In 2023, our employee engagement survey inclusion score (79%) was one of our strengths, which shows that we are in a good position. We focused on raising diversity, equity and inclusion awareness through our DEI program for the management, where we invested in leadership through eLearning and facilitated discussion events.   Rewarding We have a company-wide reward strategy, which is designed to support our intention of having top performance at every level within the guiding principle of Pay for Performance . The key reward principles, reward elements and practices are described in our Reward Guidelines, which are available to all our employees in local languages. We treat our people in a fair and consistent manner and aim for a clear communication of reward. All reward related decisions must be approved at least by the manager’s manager and reviewed by HR to comply with our Corporate Governance Guidelines. Caverion’s reward structure has different elements . The base salary is based on job responsibilities, individual performance and competences as well as a local market benchmark. Short-term incentives reward the achievement of clearly pre-defined and measurable key strategy-based targets, promoting the annual performance, continuous improvement and collaboration. Management and most of the salaried employees are included in a performance-based Group Short-term Incentive, Project Incentive or Service Incentive plan. Through this process, all our employees gain an understanding of how they can contribute to Caverion’s success, what is expected from them, and how they can develop their competences and performance. Health & Safety Environment Business ethics Supply chain   Read more

AGM 2019

AGM 2019

Annual General Meeting 2019 of Caverion Corporation Caverion Corporation’s Annual General Meeting, which was held in Helsinki on 25 March 2019, adopted the Financial Statements and the consolidated Financial Statements for the year 2018 and discharged the members of the Board of Directors and the President and CEO from liability. In addition, the Annual General Meeting resolved on the use of the profit shown on the balance sheet and the payment of dividend, the composition of members of the Board of Directors and their remuneration, the election of the auditor and its remuneration as well as authorised the Board of Directors to decide on the repurchase of the Company’s own shares and/or acceptance as pledge of own shares as well as share issues. The minutes of the Annual General Meeting will be available on the Company’s website at www.caverion.com/agm by 8 April 2019 at the latest. Dividend payment The Annual General Meeting approved the proposal of the Board of Directors according to which a dividend of EUR 0.05 per share will be paid from the distributable funds of the Company for the financial year 2018. The dividend will be paid to shareholders who on the record date of the dividend payment 27 March 2019 are recorded in the shareholders’ register held by Euroclear Finland Ltd. The dividend shall be paid on 3 April 2019. Composition of the Board of Directors The Annual General Meeting elected a Chairman, a Vice Chairman and five (5) ordinary members to the Board of Directors. Mats Paulsson was elected as the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Markus Ehrnrooth as the Vice Chairman and Jussi Aho, Joachim Hallengren, Antti Herlin, Thomas Hinnerskov and Anna Hyvönen as members of the Board of Directors for a term of office expiring at the end of the Annual General Meeting 2020. Remuneration to be paid to the Board of Directors The Annual General Meeting decided that the following annual remuneration will be paid to the members of the Board of Directors: Chairman of the Board of Directors EUR 79,200, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors EUR 60,000 and members of the Board of Directors EUR 46,800. Approximately 50% of the annual remuneration will be paid in Caverion Corporation’s shares. The shares will be purchased directly at market price on behalf of the board members from a regulated market’s public trading. The shares shall be purchased within two (2) weeks of the publication of the interim report for the period 1 January - 31 March 2019. The board member is not allowed to sell or transfer ownership of the purchased shares and for securing this a transfer restriction maturing 30 April 2021 will be placed. However, if the membership in the Board of Directors terminates earlier, the transfer restriction ceases at the termination. In addition, EUR 550 per meeting shall be paid to each member of the Board of Directors for their participation in meetings of the Board of Directors and its committees in addition to the annual remuneration. Possible travel expenses are proposed to be reimbursed in accordance with the principles related to remuneration of tax-exempt travel expenses approved by the Tax Administration. Election of the auditor and its remuneration Authorised Public Accountants Ernst & Young Oy was re-elected as auditor of the Company for a term of office expiring at the end of the Annual General Meeting 2020. The auditor’s remuneration will be paid according to invoice approved by Caverion. Repurchase and/or acceptance as pledge of own shares The Annual General Meeting authorised the Board of Directors to decide on the repurchase and/or on the acceptance as pledge of the Company’s own shares in accordance with the proposal by the Board of Directors. The number of own shares to be repurchased and/or on the acceptance as pledge shall not exceed 13,500,000 shares, which corresponds to approximately 9.7% of all the shares in the Company. The Company may use only unrestricted equity to repurchase own shares on the basis of the authorisation. Purchase of own shares may be made at a price formed in public trading on the date of the repurchase or otherwise at a price formed on the market. The Board of Directors resolves the manner in which own shares be repurchased. Repurchase of own shares may be made using, inter alia, derivatives. Repurchase of own shares may be made otherwise than in proportion to the share ownership of the shareholders (directed repurchase). The authorisation cancels the authorisation given by the General Meeting on 26 March 2018 to decide on the repurchase and/or on the acceptance as pledge of the Company’s own shares. The authorisation is effective until 25 September 2020. Share issues The Annual General Meeting authorised the Board of Directors to decide on share issues in accordance with the proposal by the Board of Directors. The number of shares to be issued may not exceed 13,500,000 shares, which corresponds to approximately 9.7% of all the shares in the Company. The Board of Directors decides on all the conditions of the issuance of shares. The authorisation concerns both the issuance of new shares as well as the transfer of treasury shares. The issuance of shares may be carried out in deviation from the shareholders’ pre-emptive rights (directed issue). The authorisation can be used e.g. in order to strengthen the Company's capital structure, to broaden the Company's ownership, to be used as payment in corporate acquisitions or when the Company acquires assets relating to its business and as part of the Company's incentive programmes. The authorisation cancels the authorisation given by the General Meeting on 26 March 2018 to decide on the issuance of shares. The authorisation is valid until 31 March 2020. Decisions of the Board of Directors on the composition of its committees Convening after the Annual General Meeting the Board of Directors appointed from among its members the following members to its committees: Human Resources: Chairman Mats Paulsson, Jussi Aho, Antti Herlin, Anna Hyvönen. Audit Committee: Chairman Markus Ehrnrooth, Joachim Hallengren, Thomas Hinnerskov. Description of the Committees’ tasks and charters are available at www.caverion.com/investors/corporate-governance     Meeting materials Notice of the meeting (pdf) (includes agenda, proposed members of the board and proposals to AGM) Proposed members for the Board of Directors (pdf) Financial Statements Release 2018 » Annual Review 2018, including Financial Statements (pdf) Corporate Governance Statement 2018 » Remuneration Statement 2018 » Stock exchange release Decisions of the Annual General Meeting and Board of Directors of Caverion Corporation » Minutes of the meeting Minutes of the meeting (pdf) Presentation material Review by the President and CEO (pdf)