27.03.2020 Press release

The FCO has imposed fines on the remaining companies in the German cartel case – no impact on Caverion due to settlement made in 2018

The Bundeskartellamt (German Federal Cartel Office) has today issued its final decision on the cartel case investigated by the authority since 2014 against several building technology companies. According to the decision, the Bundeskartellamt has imposed fines on the remaining companies in the investigation. Caverion Deutschland GmbH (and its predecessors) was also mentioned in the proceedings as one of the companies involved in the course of the investigations. Caverion reached for its part a full and final settlement with the Bundeskartellamt already in June 2018.  

Caverion booked the anti-trust fine of EUR 40.8 million as an expense in the second quarter of 2018 and paid it in the third quarter of 2018. More information on the settlement in cartel investigation has been given in the stock exchange releases published by Caverion on 12 June 2018 and 3 July 2018.

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